Sunday, December 16, 2007

Let It Snow!

Christmas themed BBQ party + pool party
Date : 15th December 2007
Time : 7.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.
Venue : Bukit Utama Condominium, Bandar Utama

Calvin and Kristine got drunk that night
They drank a lot......
I hate beer though
Ei Leen, Madam Mei and I were running away from being thrown into the pool =)
We were damn dry

Don't they looked cute together?

The alcoholics

She's like so fair, and I'm like so tanned

Let it snow!
Let it snow!
Let it snow!

What time is it?
It's christmas time =)
I got tagged by Phui Yan and Mei Wei
8 random facts of me
1. I have natural curls
Well actually I thought of going for rebonding, but the next moment I feel like it's my nature, why change it? And this is just me, live with it! Straightened hair looks kind of fake though...
2. I miss OBML like crazy
I know I've said it many times, but I still gotta repeat it. Beremban-ians, Tahan-ians, UluSepat-ians, YongYap-ians, all CAs, all instructors..... I fcuking miss everyone! You guys rock my life =)
3. I can't wait for school
School is fun actually. I sooo wanna go back to school life and get all busy again. Yes, I like to be busy, seriously. I feel so lifeless during holidays =(
4. I claimed myself as a free thinker even if my whole family are buddhists
Not to offend anyone, but I believe in myself.
5. Singing has became a hobby of mine
Thanks to Phui Yan! We sang throughout the camp. Another summer day, has come and gone away, in Paris or Rome, I wanna go home~~~
6. I don't cry in front of people
It's hard or merely impossible to see me cry. I'd rather lock myself in my room and cry for hours. I don't want anyone to see my tears. But Kah Yee seen it, cause that time I really couldn't control myself in school cause of some people.
7. When I don't talk, doesn't mean I'm quiet or cool, it means I have something in my mind
Many people say that I should talk more and don't be so cold. Even if I'm quiet, countless things are running in my mind, seriously. I think a lot.
8. I like purple
Not because I'm in Unggul or anything. I just like this colour for no reason. Simply because I love purple. =)

Okay, I'm done.

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