Friday, April 11, 2008

Belaian Jiwa - Innuendo

Mandi Lumpur!

I actually swam in mud water and kissed the mud there

It all started here

my tentmate, Shwen Fern & Por Lyn

Modern devil!

A night worth remembering =)
Christion and Raja Alyf

St John, Scout, KRS, PBSM
Yu Bin, Khai Liang & Hing Lun

and the journey ended here

Farewell people
thanks for everything, you guys brighten up my day
I will never forget the moment we had together, as it lies deep in my heart with love
see you guys soon =)

Shwen Fern, Cheryl, Hing Lun, Terence, Mark, Yu Bin, Por Lyn, Khai Liang, Alyf, Christion, Olivia, Evon, Weng Yee, Teeban


No, I'm not insane
Yes, I'm going to another camp this coming Sunday til Friday
The camp I just went to was actually state level, they wanted to choose 30 girls out of 200++ people to represent Selangor to national camp in Melaka...
Guess what? I got chosen....
And I'm going there for freaking 6 days
So, goodbye to my bio addmaths lessons.

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