Thursday, November 29, 2007

Free Hugs Campaign

I was on YouTube just now and came acroos this awesome video about Free Hugs Campaign inspired by Juan Mann. I'm sure many of you have heard of it before. He's an awesome man!

All you gotta do is to reach out and hug a stranger, simple as that.

Well, this campaign has been spread to the whole wide world, even in Malaysia. But it's still not an encouraging act in Malaysia, simply because the people here aren't that open-minded and also the Malays tak boleh sentuh-sentuh atau raba-raba and so on. You'd probably get arrested for sexual harassment -__-

In this age, when we lack social connection, the most effective way to revive that connection with people is by giving free hugs! Don't ask what others can do for you, ask what you can do for others =)

Official website

Juan Mann's video

Even if it's just one simple hug, it makes a huge difference to other's lives.
So don't hold back

put on your greatest smile
spread your arms
and give everyone a hug =)

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